Originally Posted By: KevinB
Ha! Yeah, back when our parents would let us go off on our own for the weekend at 12-13 years old camping. Stuff some tarps, wool blankets, Boy Scout knives and cans of spaghetti in our rucksacks, grab our BB guns, go off in the woods, build a big fire, and sleep out for a couple of nights. Can you picture that now?

Of course, that's back when you could ride a bicycle without a helmet and had to pay extra for seatbelts in your car.

Kevin B.

Could ride a bike without a helmet? Can you imagine the ridicule that would have been involved with wearing a helmet on a bicycle!?!? You would have been laughed out of town! lol.

My .22 and I used to spend hours and hours at an old abandoned dump on my grandparents property. They had a little over 700 acres and only about 25(ish) acres of it was "improved". Plenty of deer, turkey and even a couple of mountain lions in those parts.

I remember waking up one morning when my grandfather touched off his lever action .357 from the kitchen. No point in going outside to take a deer that year. He was in the middle of fixing breakfast when this nice buck walked up so he just slid the window open and shot from over the kitchen sink.
"There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother." -Theodore Roosevelt