Well folks.

It’s amazing how things can change in a split second. Never take a SINGLE moment of life for granted as you never know when your number will be up. Use the fancy dishes every chance you can, take the time to do today what you want to put off for tomorrow and give the wife the special gift you were hiding in the closet for that rainy day. Treat each day like it is your last (because it very well may be)

It has been a pleasure talking with all of you but duty calls. I just found out today that a fellow soldier and good friend of mine met with an unfortunate incident and I will be replacing him in a wonderful place full of sand and bad people. I have two weeks before stepping off and need that time with the family rather than on my butt in front of a CPU.

The time has come once again to pack the TAC, put on my game face and dust off the old bayonet.

I wish you well in all your travels.

