The first order of business is to do away with that misnomer of 'Expert.' lets look at knives, or their history. Man ( and I use the old, classic german linguistic rootword for all of humanity)first hafted a flint or obsidian blade onto a bit of bone or wood with glue and maybe cordage for one reason alone- leverage and improved dexterity with the blade. And he seems to have 'survived' in a far more wild ( lucky twit) world than we ever shall with our toys. He knew his tools, the limits and did not abuse them. If a job needed doing, he knew how to do it. It was later with the onset of metallurgy we could increase the sheer force of leverage via a tang. And guess what? Read the Iliad and old Achilles or Brad Pitt & friends were bending and breaking weapons on a daily basis.Every metallurgical and design advancement seems to be paired with increased demands pushing that envelope of structural failure.Lynne Thompson of Cold Steel stabs the door of a Buick to show how tough his product is. Thats wonderfull, if you can cook a Buick over an ESBIT stove and eat it in a survival situation.If you can step back from all this 'progress' and actually try all the possible tasks called upon for a knife you might be suprised.With a little care and improvisation you can survive with a good folder. Our ancestors did just that with aechulian handaxes for far longer than our much shorter stewardship of the might not even have to take it out of your pocket, some survival situations being more about good sleeping bags and a canteen of water than the latest Rambo knife.