Holy bloody crap dude!! If you can fit all of that into a soap dish then give me a call and let me know where I am going wrong because after 12 years in the Army I still haven't figured that one out (lol)

I hope I didn't confuse anyone. Sometimes I think people will know what I am talking about because everyone I work with knows what I am referring to, but then I realize that most people here on this forum are not military. I get more than one confused look in my eyes when people start talking about canoeing or climbing or other stuff I have no knowledge of.

By soap dish I mean the plastic type that has two halves that fit together over one another (the kind you toss it into a gym bag to keep wet soap water from getting on everything) and not the type you would have permanently next to your bathroom sink.

And once again, we all don't keep the stuff in the dish after the exercise. Then we have free reign to pack our PSK any way we choose. I took mine out and packed it differently. (The same as the mini-psk on my hunting core gear post)

I just noticed that I am an enthusiast now with over 200 posts.
WOW, not bad considering how much I loathe sitting in front of a cpu. I originally started reading this forum after breaking a whole bunch of ribs and fingers. I couldn’t type much but I could still surf forums and other......um.......stuff....... online blush. I began to read this forum and joined 4 months later. Kind of been hooked ever since.............