I need some help, does anyone speak German. I found a military survival kit at http://www.survivalequipment.de/.
I am curious as to what the kit has in it, but I do not speak the German language.
If you could translate I would be most grateful.

Thank you,

If you go to the website you have to click online-shop, then click survival kits, then click military survival kit.
Here is the list of contents.


Dose, Griff, Deckel mit Signalspiegel, Minikompass, Sägeblatt mit scharfem Ende,
Drahtsäge, Wind- und wasserfeste Streichhölzer, Magnesiumstein und Stahl, Kerze, Baumwollbüschel, Kondome (Wasserbehälter), Schlinge (Fallenbau), 3 Angelhaken,
10m Schnur, 2 Rasierklingen, Heftpflaster, Sicherheitsnadeln,
Nähset, Salz und Dextrosetabletten, Wasserentkeimungstabletten,
Survival Memoiren, Instruktionen, Notfall Formular, Bleistift,
Gewicht: 200g