I have started reading a quadrilogy that a friend has turned me onto. It concerns an EMP incident that affects electronics worldwide. I will get into the book more after I finish reading them and give a comment on each book. Suffice it to say for now that there is a wee bit of farcical fantasy in the storyline.

Wicca is mentioned heavily in this book and one item that has caught my eye in particular is what is referred to as "The Eternal Stew".

An "Eternal Stew" consists of a large stew pot kept simmering over a fire at all times. As it is consumed, additional meat and vegetables, sauce(s), and water is added so that it is always ready to be consumed and refrigeration is not needed because it is kept heated and is constantly being recycled/replenished.

I would think that I would prepare enough rice, pasta noodles, cornbread, or other things to pour the stew over at mealtimes and it would be available at all times for a mid-afternoon snack, MidRats, etc.

What expertise on this custom is here at ETS, as I would like to know a few specifics about the "Eternal Stew"!!!!
The best luck is what you make yourself!