I try to play by a set of basic rules:
Spend less than you take in.
Live within your means.
If you can't afford to pay cash for something save until you can.
Avoid debt.
Use cash whenever possible.
Put something of each paycheck away as savings.
If you find yourself in debt pay it off ASAP. Even if it hurts.
Know the difference between a 'need' and a 'want'.
Don't keep up with the Joneses.
The Joneses are living large by living on debt.

Originally Posted By: NorCalDennis
Recently I heard a very good assessment of economists:

If you put 10 Economists in a room to evaluate what happened during a given period you will get a thorough analysis of how and why the economic event took place. Put the same 10 in a room and ask them to predict what is going to happen and you will get 12 answers with 15 scenarios. (This may have been on the Clark Howard Show)

Another one.

If you placed all the economists end-to-end they still wouldn't reach a conclusion.