I don't think too much of economic advice, worrying about such things only seems to distract me from what is important. My whole economic objective centers around getting someone to pay me enough to cover the costs of my life and my portion of the lives of 30 million + deadbeats, invaders, fools, and foreign governments, which is damn near half of it anyways. By the time I pay all that, what's left isn't worth worrying too much about. I stick it in a 401k and maybe an IRA unless I want to have a vacation and pick the most moderately diversified spread that's available. Then I forget about it. In twenty years, if there's anything left, I might take an extended vacation, something I've heard called retirement. Though if I survive that I will have to go back to work just to have something to do.

If you have enough money that you need to worry about how it is invested, you have a lot more than I do, and I would be of no help to you.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)