I've been looking into purchasing a kerosene heater for emergency use in case of power outages (rather common in my area). Unfortunately, I do not have a wood stove at my house and my experience with my fireplace as a heat source for the house has been poor (it's more for looks - more heat goes up the chimney than into the building). The brand of heater I have been looking at is called Dyna Glo. What experiences have other folks had using a kerosene heater as an emergency heat source? Any recommendations?

I've considered some of the safety aspects: I already keep a charged fire extinguisher close at hand and would like to get a CO detector if I end up with this type of heater (I'd appreciate any advice on this as well).

I have some experience with kerosene - a pair of Alladin lamps keep me with plenty of reading light when the power goes out. Any advice on storing kerosene would be helpful. I'm thinking no more than 5 or 10 gallons at a time.

The rest of my home emergency kit is coming together well. We've had some wicked wind storms and winter is just getting wound up. Bring it on!
