I have to agree with Chris. Keep calm, don't go running in panic, get to medical help ASAP. No booze, no cutting, no tourniquet.

If putting a charcoal poultice on the bite will calm you down, I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Snake venom usually travels via the lymph system, and it will probably start moving quite soon after the bite. I doubt that a poultice is going to draw out anything that is already out of its reach.

Don't suck it by mouth, as the old manuals used to advise. If you have any kind of cut or abrasion inside your mouth and you get venom in/on it, it would be the same as the snake biting you there. The farther away the bite is from your head and heart, the better. Don't beg for trouble.

I believe there are two or three (at least) types of venom, and they affect your body differently.

Here is an interesting article aimed at the military on venomous snakes in Iraq (some photos) and how the venom affects your body, by a zoologist: http://www.curator.org/legacyvmnh/Whatsnew/venomous_snakes_of_iraq.htm
