Usually I will stay in my truck to ask them if they need me to call for assistance. If I need to get out and help then I will never turn my back on the person or persons (while helping hook up jumper cables, tow ropes etc) If someone does try something funny, then I always have my trusty folder and years of knife fighting training. A good pipe wrench never hurts to have on hand either.(lol grin) you can tell usually if a person is sketchy just by their posture, attitude, appearance etc. Every situation will be different, and lots of info can be gained by sizing up the surroundings. If something looks out of place or I get that "feeling" that something is not right then I will ask if they need me to CALL for assistance but I will not get out of my truck. Rather I will take the plate # and location, keep driving and call help for them. If it is an elderly person, or a couple with small children and such Then I tend to feel better and will usually get out to assist. It’s sad to think that we live in such a world where we may be beaten trying to assist people, but that is just how it is. Any time you decide to do so it is a risk and the best thing to do is try and use good judgment.