I happened across this stuff in an Army surplus store. It runs about 4 bucks for two strips. I decided to add a strip to every item I could in my survival kit in the event that the item would be dropped at night. Today at work while in the back compound I was fooling around with my blast match trying to light stuff just for the hell of it and for a bit of practice (yep, I skip off work every chance that I get). Of course a friend asks to see if he can try and I hand it over. First mistake, no sooner is my beloved blast match in his hands than it is somewhere on the ground in the tall grass/half foot of snow/leaves. I love the blast match and my jet scream whistle etc and think they are great survival items but I have never understood why the hell they come in BLACK of all colors. It landed on the ground where there was a lot of bushes etc mixed with the snow and despite all my cursing and looking I could not find it. Just as it was getting dark I went back in the hopes the glow strip would now be visible and sure enough, I found it under some bushes not far from where we had been looking earlier. I would have had a real hell of a time locating it if not for the faint green glow coming off the tape. This is not a new idea by any stretch and I am sure many of you do the same but I was so dammed happy and impressed by this that I had to share it with you fine folks. If not for the glowing tape I may not have found it at all. Not good if this had been a real survival situation…………..

