I forgot about the limit. I;m confused as to how it sotres the maps on the card, I just see one map file under the garmin folder, does it create more than one file there or just merge them all together into the one? And how does it count 'maps' then. If I wanted to throw everything from the SU Streets on to one cars would that be one huge map or a bunch of small ones?
Do you have the topo cd, is it topo data for the whole US or just select locations?
I might just drive over to the local Micro Center and pick up a bunch of their cheap 1G cards then, they have the 1G for $10.
I've been reading up some some web sites on how to make your own but am finidng the road data isn't very good that way so I may just buy the road cd. I'm also finding that the USGS is limiting the size of downloads which makes getting the topo data difficult. I'm wanting to draw a line between my home and my parents home and then gat everything with a certain disatnce from that line, basically make say a 300 mile raduis of my bug out route.