Scene from BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID. Ladies and gentlemen, friends and niegbors. I give you the future. I give you- the Bicycle! What is it about Utah and vitamens? To reiterate what Pete said, Your paying out $40 +S/H for 30 vitamens and a suger rush. But wait! these altruistic folks have warned us of competitor's inferior products with caffeine and stimulants. Oh the humanity! Imagine all the lost souls who ventured forth under the old supply lists of pilot bread and tea. File these with spaceblankets who's secondary ability to lighten your load is a thinning of the wallet.The annual migration of Fruit Cakes is just about over, but I would take your $40 and buy me one of those 3 pronged frogging spears for next year. They run @ $5 or you can fabricate your own via instructions in Robert Redford endorsed paperbacks. With the money buy some Mainstays, MREs,M&Ms some black tea and the obligatory survivalist bottle of tobasco sauce. You might even have enough for a ETS donation.I'm going to have some right now. All this energy expenditure made me hungry.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (01/09/08 08:59 PM)