Larry D. Olsen is a well known "survialist" in the 1960's and even the early 1970's as no doubt the original Cody Lundin. Larry's training came as he experienced survival at its most primitive level. He emulated the Anasazi or "Ancient Ones" and carefully replicated the lifestyle of the Primitive Paiutes of the Great Basin Plateau areas of the western United States. Using tools and weapons of stone and bone, digging roots and trapping game, suffering cold nights without bedding, and hot days without water or even shoes, Larry gained a unique understanding of man in harmony with nature.

Larry then went on to teach Outdoor Survival Skills at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. One such student was Robert Redford, yes the actor, who upon completing the course and reading the book invited Larry Dean Olsen to serve as technical director for the movie Jeremiah Johnson. Subsequently, Robert Redford wrote a forward for the book, which is still in print, for Mr. Olsen. This book was once required reading in a Mountain Man class offered in the early 1980's from both Boise State University and Idaho State University.

Larry then developed a primitive living course for adjudicated youth from the courts in Utah County. In 1969, he and his staff won a national award for "Youth Rehabilitation Though Outdoor Survival." This course is still around today in both Arizona and Idaho. It is known in Idaho as the “Magic Hot Springs youth camp.” They have closed their main facility south of Twin Falls, but maintain a satellite office in Gooding, Idaho through the main office in Arizona. I believe some people call these “boot camps.”

Larry's experience grew from the area around the Magic Valley and the canyonlands of Southern Idaho.