"I always thought the switchgrass idea might not be too bad. The only thing I wonder about is since it has to be transported in hay bales(at least that's how I assume they want to do it) I'm curious if it would be as cost effective... I mean if they could make that work, you'd never have to plant anything. Just use the good ground for food crops and the badground for ethanol production."

Organic matter for ethanol production shouldn't have to be transported long distances, as local refineries could be set up, as are already working in some areas. It isn't like we have to ship bales of switchgrass to So. Calif from Michigan. Many/most of the farmers already have baling machines. They already have seed-sowing machines. They already have equipment to cut and harvest it.

Grow it there, refine it there, use it there.

Cost effectiveness needs a good look before you discard an idea.

The oil industry, as rich as it is, is probably subsidized by the taxpayers. Much of the income from it goes to invisible bank accounts in the Caymans (etc) and isn't taxed. The citizens tend to be the ones to really foot the bill for oil spills, the refineries aren't being maintained, etc, etc, etc. The real cost of production in this country tends to be a lot higher than what you think you see.

Ask any dairy farmer how much he's getting for a gallon of milk.

Ask any factory egg farmer how much a dozen eggs REALLY costs.
