Originally Posted By: Blast
I'm very, very happy with the quality of my life. I have a great wife and two kids. I have an exciting, rewarding job that allows me to see the world. On the weekends I go hiking, canoeing, or other fun adventures. I turn 40 in a few months. Hopefully though medical science I'll still be doing this 40-50 years from now (except maybe swapping the kids for grandkids or even great grandkids). A dirty, brutish and short life doesn't appeal to me.

It's been my experience that people who complain about modern times are unhappy with modern times. The reason they are unhappy with modern times is because they made a lot of bad, dumb or otherwise crappy decisions in their lives. It then seems to me that it's a waste of time to listen to people who have made such poor decisions in their own lives. If they hate it so much they should work on changing their lives rather than whining about it.

Plus, complaining about modern times via a computer is just funny to those watching. grin

-Blast, who grew up so poor he had to borrow dirt.

That makes you one of the lucky ones. But just because you are lucky, doesn't mean everyone is lucky.

It's been my experience that people who take all the credit for their good fortune have completely forgotten all the help they got along the way, i.e. good parents, good friends, good mentors. Those who don't acknowledge what others have done for them are the most self-centered (and deluded) people in the world.