1. 60 percent of our population hates their job and only 30 percent tolerates it:

I'm in the middle, I like mine but at times it gets borning and there are other things that I'd love to be doing so I can't say I really love it, but it pays well enough that my wife can stay home and raise our kids.

2.Did you know that 45% of Americans surveyed hated their lives and only 10% was willing to say the loved their lives:

Love mine too, might be a time here and there that i wish I would have done something different (like not listneing to our in laws advice on things) but overall I love mine.

3. In another recent survey done over 70% of Americans were divorced:

Married in 1995 here

4. Did you know that 50% of all Americans do not care for their neighbors and 40% of them will not even bother to have a conversation with them:

I used to but a couple of my neighbors moved away and trash moved in beside us so its not be choice.

5. In fact 25% will not let their children play with the kids on either side of their home:

I wouldn't anymore, don't want my kids and the middle of a drug deal that turns bad

6. Another recent showed that most Americans almost 66% did not like their communities, because they had changed over the years or there was too much traffic or some other legitimate reason. Actually in that poll only 10% loved their communities and got involved:

Thats mine, The city's plan to clean up bad neighborhoods was to move the bad people to neighborhoods like mine so they drag ours down with them.

7. Did you know that the average American watches 6 hours of TV per day and that most 79% said most of what was on TV was just BS:

I might turn ours on, we watch the discovery channel more than anything else but even recently its become more reality tv than educational tv. Even when its on I'm not watching it 100% as its been dumbed down enough that it can't hold my full attention, I have to have a laptop with me reading forums at the same time.