Originally Posted By: LED
Originally Posted By: Leigh_Ratcliffe
I personally think that Tom Clancy had the right idea in "Clear and Present Danger" when it comes to the supplier's. Difference being that I would have openly proclaimed my intention to pursue them with all the means available to the state. That means diplomatic, political and military. Arrest,try (scrupulously fairly) in absentia if necessary, execute.

That would be next to impossible today. Over 90% of the worlds heroin comes from a US, UK, NATO occupied nation where farmers openly grow poppy. You can't realy declare a war on drug suppliers, while being the steward of a narcostate. Well, I guess you can, but you know what I mean.

By which remark may I presume that you are referring to Afghanistan?

1) Opium has a legitimate pharmaceutical use. Its used as the pain suppressive component in a lot of drugs. Including off the shelf medications.
2) Something like 30% of the population of this planet does not have access to even the most basic pain killers.
3) Opium is grown under license for pharmaceutical use in most western country's.
4) Afghanistan grows sufficient to meet the needs of the whole planet.
5) To a subsistence farmer in Afghanistan, opium is simply a subsistence crop that can be grown and then sold.
It has been suggested that the best way to prevent drug pushers from obtaining opium is to purchase the crop at a fair (to the farmer) price. Which could then be put to good use.

Naturally, the Holier Than Thou All Drugs Are Evil Brigade have rejected that option.
I don't do dumb & helpless.