I have a few of these for use in the fireplace and lighting candles. I like the extension especially when lighting a candle. If you use a small bic, you are more likely to burn the hair on your hand if not more.

I am not sure of the brands we have, but if you buy one try it out. We have some I like, and some I hate. They are cheap enough to buy another. If I remember to check I will post which ones I like and do not like as far as brands.

One of the advantages of these longer lighters is that cold fingers may have an easier time using one. You need two fingers, one for the gas and one for the spark, but cold fingers should be able to work the better ones.

I have not thought about putting one in my BOB. I will now. Now, my BOB has two small Bics, water & wind proof matches and regular wooden matches. A new Spark-Lite is enroute via UPS after bieng on order for a while. Cannot tell you what happened to my other Spark-Lite. I think it got into the garbage when I added other stuff to my old BOB.