Originally Posted By: Nomad
The sewing kit above looks interesting. The needle/drill holder appears to be a small "tap", as in "screw tap" handle. Using a large cotter pin for a handle. Is that correct? How well does this work? It seems like a good idea. How much have you used it?

The small sewing awl was made from a well modified aftermarket Dremel tool chuck, with the shaft cut off and the hole enlarged to fit a cotter key. The cotter key can also be used as a "bodkin"*1 to feed cord through the inside of cloth, such as sweat pants cord or cord in my pack.
I've used it for several years now, it works for me. At first I used Allen wrench as the handle, but found a cotter key worked better. It will push a speedy stitcher or sewing machine needle through heavy cloth or a piece of leather (I use a leather glove for this)

*1 bod·kin (bdkn)
A blunt needle for pulling tape or ribbon through a series of loops or a hem.
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