I have used these since I was a kid and they are great. The best lamps (IMHO) are the Aladdin lamps are great. They put out ~ 60 watts of white light silently (when adjusted correctly). The downsides is that they have gotten ridiculously expensive if purchased new and they are slightly radioactive (like Coleman lantern mantles). We’ve always used K1 kerosene (paraffin oil outside the US) in the lamps and space heaters, minimal odor if wicks trimmed and adjusted correctly (can’t teach how, just takes practice).

I have bought several of my Aladdin’s at end of season sale, at farm auctions, and at flea markets. If mantels or chimneys are broken, easily replaced. Lehman’s is good source, but there are others on the web. Locally if there is a large Amish or Mennonite population, some store should stock parts.

"Sometimes, it's better to be lucky than skillfull"