Mine saved our butt once, we hiked a trail in the Allegheny National Forest, on the web site it said they were letting the trail markers fade and were not going to replace them. We marked the location of the truck before we left the trail head. 3/4 of the way we lost the trail, we ran into another hiker and he said he also lost the trail in the opposite direction, we decided to go a little farther then decided to follow the GPS log back to the trail head. It took us back to within a few yards of the truck. The only thing is that they don't show the topography.....LOL we hiked up and down hills through fast flowing streams, over bolder fields etc. But at least it worked and we got back before night fall. I wouldn't be without one.
Shadow out !!!

Prepare Or Not To Prepare That Is The Question. The Answer, You Better !!!