From one article I read (don't have the site), the first night the father build a shelter at the base of a pine tree, but it was still quite cold. The next day, they tried to find the truck, but failed (they were 1.5 miles from it), and saw the culvert. Actually, this was not a bad idea. If the snow was building up fast, I can see someone worrying about snow collapsing a shelter. And if the temperature is freezing, you might not have much water running through the culvert.

But I still think that a fire at one end, reflected into the culvert, and the other stuffed with pine boughs wouldn't have made a bad shelter. Too bad they couldn't build a fire.

The 18-yr-old knew about camping and some survival, so I'll be he and Dad tossed a few options back and forth.

With what they had, they didn't do so badly. Firemaking equipment and a few Heatsheets would have been a great improvement. If they go looking for a Christmas tree next year, I wonder if they will be carrying a few extras?
