What about layering with some Under Armour? I'm just learning the benefits of UA.

Most days I wear Riggs work pants...Wrangler maybe? Don't want to pull them down at work here to check!

They are Cordura IIRC and seem to shed water fairly well...and they're tough too. Reasonably priced on sale from King Size...of course they don't have them any more. I'm looking into some BDU's or TDU's...5.11 or Propper most likely. I just know from experience with the UA shirt I started wearing underneath my martial arts uniform that it dries quickly and wicks of course...for me, I'm looking more and more for shirts and socks and boots that wick...I can thank my mother for a slightly low body temp that raises easily...in other words...I sweat a lot! I'm looking for those things in business casual clothes as well...on the few occasions my life requires I dress that way...again, UA, 5.11 etc...

So my thought is a combination of UA layers underneath Cordura or a similar material might be good...won't keep you bone dry, but should dry fairly quickly.
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)