New York State allows a lot more than New York City. It's much easier to own a firearm outside of the City. Some firearms, such as a shotgun, I think are easy to legally purchase and own, so long as you do not bring it into the City. You may find it much easier having an address outside NYC to get through the Federal checks.

As I understand it, blowguns may also be out in NYC. I've been thinking of making one, as something to keep with my BOB. You can mkae one out of electrical conduit, in two pieces, and I could make it look like I was using it as a trekking pole, or even make it so it's obvious function was to be a trekking pole.

New Yorkers, residents of the City itself, really cannot have much that would be useful for keeping themselves alive and protected and could possibly function as a weapon, hunting or otherwise. I can see that it would be very possible to hurt someone with a blow gun, but not do much more without poison on your darts.

In times of disaster, etc., and we really have few choices: bugout before we are at risk; hide; pray; and/or put your life in the hands of government bureaucrats, most of whom may be well-meaning people, but that does not mean they have our best interests at heart. I've got someplace else to go close to New York, so bugging out might be a good option.