"...I figure the first thing after calling for help would be to get the person out of the vehicle somehow..."

Actually, unless there is a threat of fire, getting the person out of the vehicle should be waaayyyyy down on your priority list. The victim could have all kinds of C-spine type injuries, and if you go yanking him/her out of the vehicle without proper immobilization, you could turn him/her into a quadraped, or worse. Stabilize, insure a clear airway, stop major bleeds, and wait for the professionals with hard collars, back boards, IV's, etc etc etc.

You even have to be careful just breaking a side window to gain access to the victim. If there are open wounds, glass frags can get into them. Glass does not show up on x-rays, is very hard for a doctor to see, and can remain in a now-closed wound, causing all kinds of problems in the days to come. I used to carry a bunch of CHP give away bumper stickers with me, if I had to break a side window with a victim inside, I would plaster it with stickers first, then break it with my spring loaded centerpunch (without a doubt the easiest way to break a tempered glass window). Instead of breaking into a jillion pieces, it would be pretty much held in one piece by the stickers, and could be lifted out away from the victim...