Originally Posted By: billym
Wow they got cheaper again. I bought 2 about a month ago for $19.95. Great knife!

If you go with the hackwas/file instead then the Farmer loses the versatility it has in the wilderness. Maybe good for urban applications but I would much rather keep the regualr saw.

Think about it though, in most situations that little saw isn't very useful. Dry wood of that size you can break and wet wood of that size is a pain to cut with the saw anyway.

The file/hacksaw is much more useful from a improvision standpoint. It could cut wood if need be, but it can also do a lot more. It could cut wire/chainlink if you get tangled in it; it could sharpen or shape wood, steel, glass, ect; it can be used to shorten long finger/toe nails; and a lot more.

Basically, the file/hacksaw can really do everything the wood saw could if the need arose, but the wood saw can't do everything the file can. Plus, it would be the perfect compliment to a larger wood saw or hatchet/axe, as it could be used to sharpen both.