One thing that you may not immediately realize when posting here is that the discussions on this site are routinely crawled by Google and other search engines.

Now couple this with the fact that this site is consistently one of the top 10 "Equipped for Survival" sites on the internet, you end up with an important role as a moderator - and that is to protect the mission and vision of Equipped To Survive, and importantly, to avoid association by inference with "survivalist" web sites.

Computers are not every smart, and as a result, it takes humans to recognize, lock and as needed purge topics that are out of the scope of this forum.

When a topic is "locked" it remains visible to search engines, and if, after a topic has been locked, I review the messaging and it's gone in a direction that leads me to think (and I have over 15 years experience in planning and managing the development of large-scale interactive communications projects) that it's going to attract the wrong kind of traffic to this site, I kill the whole thread.

I have been online too long, and participated in too many flame wars, and I'm not going to ease up on the toughlove we implement here as moderators.