I didn't participate in the previous thread because I had no opinion one way or the other, but oddly, since then I have seen a couple of TV shows about precious-metal coins, and the LDS preparedness manual posted on another thread also advises accumulating such coins. Perhaps we should revisit the subject?

Years ago I was a checker in a grocery store, and every time a silver dime (I don't think I found any quarters) would show up in my till, I would swap it out for a clad-copper one in my pocket. I ended up with a small handful.

Where would you get precious metal coins? Coin shows of course, but given that the price to buy them is already many times their face value, is it feasible? In my TV watching, they mentioned a new (?) silver dollar coin made of real silver. If it is new currency, I wonder if you can get those at the bank? I have a couple of old silver-certificate paper dollars. Do they still have to give you silver on demand for them at the bank?