Since I carry a backpack everyday and everywhere I figured that I can create a small carry kit. Something that would save me time when going hiking or away since most of my stuff would be there already. It should be an all around kit that together with my sleeping bag or warm clothing would be all I need. Obviously it will contain bare necessities and there is no room for luxuries. Always on me I will have a Wave, Sebenza, Inova X5, Windmill lighter and two pairs of latex gloves. My kit shouldn’t be taller than 3 inches and as a platform I will use those square metal tins that AOL is being shipped in They can be used to make wind block for firw or for making a basic stove.. So I decided that I will use two of those tins for my medical and food group, I will use Windmill lighter tin for basic PSK and next to it I will attach a military strobe with space blanket.. All this will be tied with rubber bands and placed in a big Ziploc bag.

First tin (FAK):
4 band aids
2 sterile pads
1 large (3x2) band aid
4 Tylenols
4 Immodium AD
2 Antacid Pills
1 Pocket of Burn Cream
2 Pockets of antibiotic ointment
4 Pockets of wound disinfecting wipes
Tin is wrapped around with medical tape and Ziploc bag can be used as air tight dressing.

Second tin (Food)
1 bag of tea
2 sugar pockets
4 Sour candies
2 sq feet of aluminium foil
Signaling stainless steel mirror
2 pairs of rubber gloves (used for water or medical purpose)

Windmill Tin (PSK)
5 different sizes hooks with lines already attached
1 Blue Fish hook with steel line leader.
50 feet of fishing line
2 Cork floters
20 Lead Pellets for sinkers
1 Gerber Muli Lite
1 Set of matches (regular paper ones)
1 Razor blade
1 Whistle (Orion)
1 PuriTab Vial
1 Photon Light
1 Luminox Compass that can be attached to my watch
4 Tylenols

Things that I’m aware of missing so far are: paracord and duct tape. I know that there is no such thing as all around kit. But since I do a lot of things on the impulse I want to be somewhat prepared because it is still better than not being prepared at all. Please feel free to make suggestions. Thank you as always,
