I've always advocated putting old teens/young adults into controlled but challenging environments, where there is an element of risk and a need for self motivation to get out of a bad situation on their own and as part of a team. I think that many of the problems young'uns face can be overcome with a confidence and will that they know they can face adversity and survive without having to find a mental escape as a crutch.

It is the sort of challenge that Teddy Roosevelt was always alluding to, the thing that tests the grit of every person and draws out the character that is needed to get by in this world, regardless of the drama going on around us.

If you are lucky enough to go through that sort of trial, then you don't likely need the approval of your fellow gangmember to affirm manhood, or the shelter of a bad husband to provide for your basic needs, or to live with your parents until you are 30 because you just can't find that easy going, high paying career playing video games and sleeping till 10:00 am every day.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)