I've used claymore bags for possibles bags. In fact, that's what I'm using for my black powder possibles bag now. I use a Bull Durham pouch (inside of a ziplock) to keep my Bic lighters in.

All of my other leather goods; medicine pouch, scabbards (leatherman, knives, swords, hatchet), are made from leather I bought, and then cut, and sewed together. I normally used "shotline" (the Coasties here know what that is) to sew my leather together but alas, I am almost out of that. I started using nylon thread (Wally World) and of course, Dental Floss to hold it together.

It takes some basic tools (Tandy Leather has kits) and a little thought to turn out some nice leather accoutrements.

I find leather working to be a disease for many of us because it is enjoyable!!!

No, I am not affiliated with any leather companies in anyway, Heck, I'm a dirty ole sailor!!!
The best luck is what you make yourself!