Scouterman: I like the energy bars and nylon ties.

Teacher: I use the 2m on a regular basis to chat during my commute; that is why I carry it. Roll of quarters is also my backup soda machine money smile But I need to emergency cash in there. Carrying water seems to make so much sense yet I keep hesitating because it always seems to be available. What do you think of the emergency straw idea Pworks suggested? And yes, It is a 4 hour commute each day. Crazy, maybe, but I love my job, and I also travel a lot.

Pworks36: Both the compass and the map are good ideas. I see those small maps all the time and will pick one up. What do you think of those small compasses that are designed to clip on a jacket? Are they any good? I know the mylar blanket is not worth much as a blanket. But, it was free and I was thinking that if I was trapped somewhere I could open it up and it would act as a reflector for any light sources rescuers were using. I like your other ideas and will consider them.

LED: I wear comfortable shoes - black, work shoes but not super formal. I have been buying these for about 6 years now and find them more comfortable for walking than just about any other pair. One of the reasons I went with them was because I used to work in NYC and had to walk from the WTC PATH station across lower manhatten and these took everything NYC could dish out. Plus, at $27 a pair (less if I get a sale at Payless) I can afford to replace them regularly.

I forgot to mention that I carry in my backpack some moist towlette type wipes and a small bottle of hand sanitizer.
