Originally Posted By: Hacksaw
What a horribly put together site. I couldn't stay longer than 3 minutes.

My personal opinion is that keys on a lanyard just won't do enough damage...plus I risk losing my keys. I guess if I had nothing else I might do it for the reach advantage but 'rope' style weapons are more a liability unless you're properly trained to use such a thing. And as you said they're under rated so the intimidation factor is zero.

The best way to win a fight is to not get into one. I've trained in Kung Fu for years and I haven't been in a fight since grade school.

Sure the best way to win a fight is to never get into it, but it does happen. To ignore the possibility (as many in our society do) would be folly.

I fail to see how rope-type weapons are a liability - especially when compared to the always available alternative of nothing. I don't know how much damage keys would do real-world, but I certainly don't want to take a wad of keys to the face or neck.

I agree that some training would make this much more effective, but what is that not true about? Knives? Guns? Fists? The most effective defensive arm in the world would be poorly employed (and possibly become a danger to the user) if its operation is not understood and mastered.

Nor do I put much stock in "intimidation factor". I think few folks would be intimidated by my appearance. I'm a small guy (5'9", 150), don't act aggressively, and I have talked myself out of many more fights than I've ever been in. However, this is actually an advantage at times. I'm no bad***, but one may be surprised if he tried to take my proverbial lunch money (USMC L.I.N.E. instructor, USMC Close Combat Instructor, USMC Martial Arts Instructor). Surprise is a good thing.