SAR is not the same as EMS, the scorn that some EMS providers have towards those dubbed "Ricky Rescue" isn't typically found in SAR.

While I am not one of those who carries the world with me on my belt or in a fanny pack working EMS (I carry what I need and use), I can't look down on those who have the passion for their calling as long as they don't just focus on the equipment. Unfortunately, the history of Fire and EMS is littered with posers (for lack of a better word) that are all toys and no knowledge, experience or even training that have spawned the "Ricky Rescue" and similar titles... Though, you won't find many providers calling well equipped vets those names wink.

As for SAR, there are significantly different survival needs vs. EMS. Some (to many) SAR volunteers discount the considerable dangers in SAR operations and far too often many are less then adequately prepared (in my opinion). In my opinion, you can't have a better rep then being the guy who has the know how and tools to get the job done.
"Trust in God --and press-check. You cannot ignore danger and call it faith." -Duke