RAS made me think of another loaner knife story,

When I was 17 I went on a remote canoe trip as part of a youth work progran (MNR Junior Rangers); I took with me my favorite knife of the time, a D.H. Russell Canadian Belt Knife model #1 that I had bought engraved at the PEI Canadian Scout Jamboree in 1977. Sure enough, most of the other kids did not bring a knife and mine was often borrowed to do camp kitchen chores. On the last night of the trip we camped on a sandy beach and after supper my loaned knife went missing. I searched the area and combed through the beach sand, but was very disappointed to not find by knife.

On return to our main work camp I pulled kitchen duty for the weekend and was assigned to unloaded the industrial dishwasher; there in the cutlery rack was my missing knife! The wood handle was bleached white from the hot soapy water and drying cycle but I was elated to get it back, I still have that knife today.

A knife horror story that ended well.
