The first thing any driver should do is become aware of his/her surroundings. People get inside the insulated wombs we once called cars and between climate control, tinted windows, cellphones and a CD blasting away proceed to more or less point themselves in the general direction and expect the world, God and pigeons to all watch out for them and for them. I was on my local freeway with no traffic. A motorcycle came up the onramp and I merged into the #2 lane and sped up slightly. He roared past me giving the finger. I returned in kind. He followed me off the freeway yelling and into my gated apartment complex motioning inside his vest as if to produce a gun. O.K. people, I was driving a 1986 Volvo 240 wagon with a feature Harley Davidsons lack- reverse gear. That legendary model had a lot of heavy guage sandvik steel Mora didn't buy between me and the tailgate. He was a sadly typical mid life crisis male with the obligatory black MIA-POW T shirt, atrophied finger ring joint with untanned strip and not a fewv issues. They weren't mine, or Old Bald Guy's peers when they arrested him.