Originally Posted By: Shadow_oo00
If your talking about drying them yourself, you can’t get the low moisture content required for long term storage, somewhere around three and a half percent. Some of the commercially prepared products have lower moisture content and then can be stored long term. Most home units still have about twenty five percent moisture, which would keep for short term.

2 quick fixes for this is to 1-add a incandesent bulb to the unit to add a small amount of hear repeat small amount it you go much past 150F your cooking it instead of drying.2-increase drying time I found 4-5 hours past the manufactures recomended times usually work, but you may have to experiment some for your area. Using one or both of these fixes I have stored fruit for up to 5 months in zip lock bags. If you add vacume packing it should extend the storage time.
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