Originally Posted By: leemann

Note to self get bandages for fak's

YEARS ago, as a teen, I was first to arrive on a NASTY car accident (2 doors down from my house) - all I had was 4x4s, and trust me - NOT enough. That's the day I learned that when you need a big dressing, you NEED a big dressing.

My FAK have had one since. Heck, last week, the company MD stopped by my office after she cleared me to go back to work - I opened MY first aid drawer, and she started laughing - I had more dressings for major trauma than she does in the exam room!! (I have thoraxic trauma dressings in there) PLUS I have TWO company 1st aid kits on the wall in my office - the current (I'm one of the floor wardens) and the one therey replaced (pulled all the out of date stuff - but the bandages and dressings etc are still good - she also got a chuckle that I had like 3-4 EMT shears sitting there (what can I say - you can get a box of 50 for like $20-25)
73 de KG2V
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