With kids, your own kids, you have options in altering mindsets. If necessary just keep the heat in the truck off.

Some years ago one of the vehicles in my long line of beaters developed a leak in the vacuum operated valve that controlled the flow of hot coolant to the heater. After determining the cost of a replacement on the car I replace it with two ball valves from the plumbing department of my local big box. I'm down here in Florida so for most of the year I don't need heat. In fact one of the problems with the old valve was it kept the heat on all year. Ten dollars in valves and that again in clamps and I was riding cooler in summer. Come winter, all six weeks of it, I simply popped the hood, opened the valves and had heat.

You could certainly simply not use the heater in the truck. Of course you will hear a lot of wining and crying. With manual control hidden under the hood you could simply claim it doesn't work. If for some reason you really need heat, a hypothermic individual, you could quickly turn it on and have heat.

You could also try a little green-mail. Claim the heater makes the engine use more fuel. No heat in the truck is saving the planet.

Worth a shot to help get the kids in the right attitude.

Trying to convince anyone other than your kids, who you presumably have some responsibility to and power over, and the odd close friend is foolish. You just alienate people. In the wind and rain and cold, yes we have it down here, I stay as warm and dry and comfortable as possible and simply smile while others suffer. Who am I to interfere with the subconscious need for suffering in others. Some say suffering is good for the soul. Maybe they need the pain to repair their souls.

Short of serious permanent harm or possible death I don't feel I have and right or need to comment or intervene. I feel bad for others kids who get dragged out unprotected by the guardians who should be protecting them. But kids are pretty tough.

They do what they do. I do what I do and we all get along. If they complain and suffer loudly I just figure that a certain amount of noise is part of their self-imposed therapy. I simply try to validate their suffering: Yes, I see that your cold, wet and miserable'. And smile reassuringly.

I leave the: And I'm warm, dry and comfortable. (Thank-you very much), unsaid.

I can't save the world and outside of a request, and some evidence of a willingness to at least try to save themselves, I don't see any point to offering up any commentary. Each must walk the path in their own way.