I have the same problem with the PHRASECENSOREDPOSTERSHOULDKNOWBETTER. at work.

Roll van arrives same time, same place (outside reception) every day. Bear in mind that this is England. Which means that it's going to be cold and quite possibly wet for 8 months of the year. Your going to have to queue as there are quite a few people who want feeding. The office staff of the female persuasion are all wearing (as always) something that's Lacy and flimsy. And the male staff? Best left to the imagination. Unless you have a strong stomach. Which I don't.

So, there they stand. Shivering and moaning. Loudly.

I'm not, because I have a nice warm, wind and waterproof parker on. Stand there all day if I have to.

Now guess who's getting S.....t and abuse about it?

Yep. Me.

So I decided to return the compliment.

By asking how, pray tell, am I responsible for the way their leaning curve appears to have plateaued?

You do this five days a week, year in, year out. You should have worked out by now that your going to need a coat.
"But we don't have time..." Actually, yes you do. You just don't have the brains to forward plan........

I'd compare them to a brain damaged chimpanzee, but why insult the chimp?

I don't do dumb & helpless.