I thought I'd acknowledged earlier that the techno stuff is the exception. If not, then let me say now I concur with your observation there. However, for groceries, I am certain that prices have only gone up on pretty much everything since the 80s. Gallons of milk are double or more of what they were then, same with eggs, meat, bread, but most especially produce. I know when my kid was born in 89 I was buying good ground beef at about 80 cents a pound on average in three different locations in the US. I haven't seen it below $1.30 for even the cheap stuff on sale for at least 3 years now. Maybe I have been in the wrong markets. It just seems like the prices never come down, just up and up and up...
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)