The most desireable option of bugging out is bugging in......somewhere else. Here in the southwest, we don;t have hurricanes, earthquakes, or forrest fires (except in the mountains), tornados are a rarity too. LACK of water is our biggest concern (can it get much bigger?).

The land around our place is too arid and sparse for much of a brush fire, although it can happen. We have a little over an acre, well water, a generator, a small garden, chickens, ducks, rabbits, and three large freezers. We have ten acres of land about 7 miles to the south with a (tractor) trailer on it and a small camping trailer. No well or electricity there, though.

So, there are some options we have that are somewhat similar to yours. Still though, we ALWAYS plan to bug IN, it's the circumstances that determine when it's time to bug OUT. Then, it's time to find somewhere to bug into.