Originally Posted By: Alan_Romania
of course at a wildland fire you can run to the "black".

Is that done? I mean, if the fire is large enough and fast enough that you're about to be overrun by a wall of flame and thinking of deploying a fire shelter and hunkering down, then wouldn't you likely get severely burned trying to run through the flames into the black? Those wildland uniforms are Nomex, but still...

Just a quick change of topic, but this morning, I'm finding myself coughing quite a bit for the first time since Sunday. I'm rather sensitive to things in the air in general. Unlike yesterday, the sky here is filled with smoke from the Santiago Canyon fire and the sun is a dim orange overhead. I don't really smell smoke, but it must be all that microscopic soot that is bothering me. I just brought out my N95 masks and put one on about 15 minutes ago. I have noticed that my coughing has subsided. I'll likely never use these N95 for some pandemic, but I'm glad that I can put them to use now. Unfortunately, I wish I had one with an exhaust valve to keep things cooler. It's OK now, while it's cooler, but it'll be hot this afternoon.