"get checked out--whiplash is tricky stuff.."

Good advice. Even if it isn't full blown whiplash there are all sorts of musculo-skeletal and neurological issues that can take days to show up. Get checked out but just because they don't find anything doesn't mean your out of danger.

I was in a hospital when they brought in a guy with a burst blood vessel in his brain. Damn near killed him, would have without emergency surgery, and it took months for him to recover. Story was he was in a bad automobile accident but was checked over and walked out of the hospital with a clean bill of health. Had an X-ray and even an MRI that showed no problems. Evidently the blood vessel ballooned up after the MRI and burst a short time later.

Less dramatic after an accident I had I was intact but my whole body ached like I had take a beating 36 hours after the accident. A nurse friend warned me to take Tylenol to dull the pain but to avoid aspirin just in case I might have internal injuries. Such hidden injuries, typically in the head, liver or spleen, are pretty common in vehicular accidents. Seat belts and air bags save lives but they can also cause their own sorts of damage.

Get checked out but stay alert for a week or ten days for symptoms that may signal a previously unrecognized issue.

Another thing is to avoid making statements or signing anything. Silence is the only thing that can't be twisted around to hurt you. Don't assume their insurance company is going to treat you honestly or that your insurance company is on your side. IF they go out of their way to be up front that's nice. Any doubt at all consult a lawyer.