Hello All,

Newbie here. I have been hit 5 times, including one delightful young fellow who crashed into my house (he needed a CD from under the seat and lost control). I have begun to think there is a bullseye on my posterior shocked

At any rate, I have found myself always watching for what the person next to me or behind me may do. Even this does not always help, though. My most recent accident happened because I was making a turn that involved multiple turn lanes. The driver in the next lane came over into mine (the whole road was his, I guess) so I had to slow down. The guy behind me then promptly smacked into me because he expected me to be out of his way by the time he got there...

My uncle, who is a retired police sargeant, has told me to never contact my insurance company about an accident when the other guy is at fault, unless the other guy's insurance plays hardball. He said that your insurance company can hold your claims against you even if they never pay out a dime. I don't know if he is correct or not, but it is now something I avoid unless the at-fault driver tries to weasel his way out...