Quick note here. Victoria Principle and Mel Gibson's Publicists assured the gossip programmes both had evacuated safely and we could all breath easier.A Malibu 'Landmark' all of a 30 year old faux castle owned by one of Shaw Reza Palevi's daughters burned to the ground. But we were reassured many of the collectables were saved. You could see huge portraits of the Shah's family and lots of charity fundraiser party photos (I've never been invited) stacked up outside.I have single malt scotch older than that, and better friends in the persian community. And now to reality. A local Junior College is a designated evacuation point for horses. The media dutifully trots over there and throws " the experts here tell us ..." as countless horses are checked in with nylon halters that are prime burn mechanisms if a horse is caught in a fire. Then they mention that Stallions are not welcome. The director of this horse programme was beat up by a stallion years ago and has stud a phobia. The stallions all went to 3 other ranches where the horses were quietly led into seperate stalls, duh. One owner complimented how I handled his million dollar stud and asked " are you a horse whisperer?" I replied "No, I speak LOUD and CLEAR to my livestock, giving his baby a subtle pull on the lead rope and body language to pay attention. Bottled water is non existent. We had no problem getting resupplied in the Northridge Earthquake. This time instead of a few damged roads there are several main arteries blocked by fire or evacuation zones and Duh again, Lake Arrowhead, a major supplier is itself fighting a blaze. The many evacuees and fire personel have tapped bottle water to the max. My family members are suffering the pangs of Ulster drinking tap water but my supplies are still intact and hidden. The only looters I'll be shooting are my own duh! brothers. I have a bottle of Perrier I may offer the princess or Mel to for $50 later when I'm allowed back across to tend the horses. Malibu is 15% contained ( the fire, not celebrities) with %100 expected by thursday. We saw the DC10s fly down from Oregon and the Super Scoopers are amazing.