My cutter fought a storm that soon had most of the crew sick in their bunks.For some perverse reason ( large quantities of SOS and coffee) I fared ok and stood a double helm watch. I'm standing there gulping coffee when possible and the skipper is next to me gulping his as we played cat and mouse with the heavy seas. I started humming unconsciously and the Old Man says " Kav, what the hell is that? It sounds familiar. Oh, sorry skipper, just a dumb song. Well, lets hear it! Maybe it'll cheer things up." I sang the entire lyrics to The Sloop John B by the Beach Boys. Captain says," no, I'm not cheered up. Lousy Beach Boys got me interested in the ocean." Always take a sense of humour with you, fits in any Altoids can. " So hoist up the John B's sail-See how the mainsail sets- Call for the Captain ashore----- "

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (10/22/07 01:51 AM)