Check the matches to see if they really are 'strike-anywhere'. I once got a box of Diamond strike-anywheres without the phosphorus tip. They had been mispackaged and were really the strike-in-box kind.

But matche quality really has deteriorated.

If you're just taking a few with you, make sure they have the largest glob of white on the tips.

I usually keep an empty box of strike-anywheres, and if I need a striker to put into a container, I cut one end of the striker strip off (the ends usually have the least wear) and cut it to fit the shape of the end of the container (press it in with the striker against the lid, to prevent accidents).

I was looking for the Ohio Blue Tip home, and found this from a Yahoo discussion board:
"As for the Ohio Blue Tip Matches , I believe that particular company has went out of business. Diamond Brands Inc. is the mother company of our beloved "Ohio Blue Tips". The company has moved out of OH and is now located in LA, they just dropped the Ohio Blue tips name, although the quality seems to have slipped as well."
